Monday, April 23, 2007

How to Identify and Correct Psychological Reversals

by Lindsay Kenny, Life Coach and founder of the National Alliance for Emotional Health

I recently re-read an old article of Gary Craig’s titled
When EFT appears not to work and felt compelled to expound on his excellent editorial. We have become so reliant on EFT as a highly effective healing aid, that we become perplexed if EFT occasionally appears not to be working its magic. When this happens we need to remember that EFT is not the problem, but is rather the bridge to a positive outcome lying on the far side of an obstacle.

With a grasp of the problem, the knowledge of how to solve it, and the persistence to get there, a skilled practitioner can generally circumvent the blockage and reach the desired goal. Hopefully this article will give you some insights and tools to increase your successes with this remarkable tool.

Like Gary, I believe that the primary reason EFT appears not to be working resides in the skill of the practitioner, or lack thereof, rather than any shortcoming of EFT. Not being specific, not resolving the core issue, ignoring the original emotional cause of the problem, are just some of the reasons a practitioner might fail at resolving a case (all of which are detailed in Gary’s aforementioned article). Gary has always emphasized that EFT is as much an art as a science, and I whole-heartedly agree.

I believe that the most overlooked obstruction to successful EFT treatments is what many call Psychological Reversals or Polarity Reversals (PR). And I also believe there's much more to Reversals than we originally thought.

Gary has always said that "We're on the ground floor of a healing high-rise," and I've gone back to the ground level to examine the foundational structure. Because, as long as there is an impediment to EFT as significant as Reversals, the unaware practitioner will be stuck in the basement punching a button to an elevator that just isn't coming.

For me, when it appears that EFT is not working, a primary key to rapid and effective treatment lies in identifying the different types of Reversals and how to deal with them.

This is, in my opinion, as important as "being specific," and "being persistent." My experience is that with about 80% of my clients and workshop participants, Reversals are not an issue. For the 20% who have a Reversal, however, its discovery and elimination is paramount to a successful resolution of their issues. The bad news, then, is if Reversals are unrecognized and untreated they can stop EFT in its tracks. The good news is, that once discovered, the solutions for correcting Reversals and therefore resolving the issue, are fairly simple and highly effective.

I break Reversals down into two basic types, each with several sub-categories.


The first type of Psychological Reversal is what I consider General Polarity Reversal, or GPR. If a person has GPR rubbing the "sore spot" or karate chop (KC) point during the setup will usually (but not always) take care of it, allowing EFT to work.

GPR can be caused from several factors:

( Negativity - chronic negative thoughts

( Addictions - addictive personalities or addictive substances in the body (including alcohol, nicotine and sometimes prescription medications)

( Dehydration - since the body's electrical system is conducted by water, the lack of water will cause the energy system to be sluggish or severely repressed

( Toxin or substance sensitivity - this could be something the subject just ate, clothing, carpeting, metal in or on the body; such as pins, fillings, metal plates, or even jewelry, a watch or cell phone

Performing the standard set-up procedure (on the sore spot or karate chop point) will usually fix negativity or unknown GPRs. Addictions, dehydration and toxin GPRs, however, are seldom eliminated by doing the set up statement. A good clue to whether or not someone has GPR is if their SUDs (subjective unit of distress, scale of 1 to 10) remains the same, then they may very well be reversed. You'll learn how to remedy reversals throughout this article.

General Polarity Reversal simply means that the electricity or energy in the body is "agitated", or "going in the wrong direction". Therefore the polarity is reversed. Think of the experiment in grade school where you used a magnet to attract tiny particles of metal on a piece of paper. The positive end of the magnet pulled the particles toward it, aligning them up neatly, all going the same direction. The negative end of the magnet, when directed toward the metal shavings, caused the particles to repel from the magnet, scattering and separating them into going in all different directions. In a sense, that's what happens to our body's energy when a negative force, like those listed above, is introduced into the system.

Another way to look at our body's energy field or polarity is to compare it to batteries in a tape recorder, flashlight or a battery-operated toy. The batteries that run the gadget must be installed with the positive and negative polarity seated in the right direction. If not, the appliance simply won't work. Similarly, our body's "batteries" need to be positioned correctly for us to function properly. I'm neither a scientist, physicist, nor energy specialist, so forgive my amateur analogies here. But this is simply a way to visualize a tangible connection or bridge to our mysterious energy system.

On those days when you just feel "off," when you're stumbling over words, dropping things, bumping into walls, or slipping off the curb, your polarity may be out of whack (or reversed). One of the ways to test our GPR is with muscle testing.

* If you are not familiar with muscle testing please read the explanation and try the experiments at the end of this article)

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Brilliant Tapping Script

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of the Universe. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing so enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God which is within us. It is not in just some of us, it is in all of us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others.” -- Marianne Williamson

KC: Even though my deepest fear is that I'm powerful beyond measure, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

EB: This fear of being powerful beyond measure.
SE: Frightened of my power.
UE: Others are frightened of my power.
UN: AM I really that powerful?
Ch: Feeling inadequate.
CB: I AM powerful beyond measure.
UA: No I’m not.
TH: Yes I am.
IF: Feeling safe in my power
MF: I deserve my power.
LF: I forgive myself for being frightened of my power.
KC: I choose to be comfortable using my power for the good and benefit of all.

KC: Even though I'm frightened of my light, I allow my true self to shine and I love seeing the brilliance of others.

EB: Frightened of my light.
SE: Afraid to shine my light.
UE: It is safe to shine my light.
UN: It is OK to let my light shine.
Ch: I forgive myself for being scared of my light.
CB: This light inside of me is really Divine light.
UA: I honor the Divine light inside of me.
Th: And the best way to honor life is to shine my light.
IF: I choose to embrace my light in joy and gratitude.
MF: I love shining my light.
LF: I choose to let my light shine brightly.
KC: I give myself and others permission to shine brightly.

KC: Even though I wonder, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?' I accept and love my gorgeous, fabulous self and all my talents and brilliance.

EB: Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
SE: Fearing my brilliance.
UE: The need to play small.
UN: Shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around me.
Ch: Forgiving myself for playing small.
CB: It is safe to stand tall, and to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous.
UA: I am exactly the right person to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous.
Th: It is okay for me to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous.
IF: I love being my brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous self.
MF: The entire world benefits from my brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous self.
LF: The entire world loves my brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous self.
KC: I free myself and others from fear and allow us all to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous!

Keep tapping for health and vitality!

Love & light,

P.S. Listen and follow along to this script at the end of my Remove Your Blocks to Success with EFT presentation now available as audio download or as a 2-CD set.

Remove Your Blocks To Success with EFT, an audio recording of my EFT demonstration, teaches you how to detect and correct the REAL cause of your self-sabotage, the thing that REALLY stops you from having what you want in ALL areas of your life. Includes Borrowing Benefits so you can follow along and create results as you listen, lots of one-on-one demonstrations, group tapping to overcome limiting beliefs about money, "Brilliant Tapping," and answers to many of your EFT questions.

© Gwenn Bonnell - All Rights reserved Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 954-370-1552


EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
Gary Craig

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Spirituality says that God is within us, and that we do not need anyone else to make this particular divine connection for us.
Religion says that we are separated from God, and that we need to communicate with and worship this ascended entity in order to make the divine connection.

Spirituality says that we are free to make choices on our own, and that we must accept personal responsibility for our actions.
Religion says that we must make their choices and act their way, depending upon a given religious denomination's belief systems.

he theme of spirituality is fellowship through the employment of unconditional love.
The theme of religion is fellowship through fear and guilt.

Spirituality does not require us to make donations.
Religion has become a big business.

Spirituality says there is no Hell, no judgment, no angry God, and that we are loved unconditionally.
Religion says there is a Hell, God gets angry and judges us. Therefore, we are not loved unconditionally.

Spirituality says we are free to choose our own path to God.
Religion commands us to do it their way, depending upon a particular religious denomination's beliefs.

Spirituality says we go to God to lighten our burden.
Religion has taught us to fear their God, depending upon a particular religious demonination's beliefs.

Spirituality says we should not be ashamed of our sexuality. Rather, it should be a sacred celebration of love.
Religion has taught us to feel ashamed, guilty and dirty about our sexualty.

Spirituality teaches us to honor and respect Mother Earth.
eligion has told us to "Be thou fruitful, multiply and subdue the Earth." I repeat, "... subdue the Earth."

Spirituality reminds us that we are one with God and one with each other.
eligion teaches disunity and separation which is the opposite of God.

Spirituality says God is within everyone and everything.
eligion says God and His messengers reside in Heaven and that "they" are the only intermediaries for us.

Spirituality says we are born in innocence and purity.
Religion says we are born with sin.

Spirituality teaches that we are on a long spiritual adventure and journey which will ultimately end by reuniting with our Source.
Religion says we have got one life to get it all right, and there is nothing but Heaven or Hell after that.

Spirituality says we are free to express.
Religion, over time, fostered the dreaded inquisition.

Spirituality teaches unconditional love for all.
Religion, over time, fostered the Crusades in which many were killed and slaughtered in the name of God.

Spirituality teaches that we should love one another unconditionally and always honor the rights and choices of others.
Religion treated Native Americans, the Mayans and other indigenous cultures as savage primitives who "must be saved."

Spirituality teaches peace and harmony.
Religion has caused more wars and more killing than any other reason.

Spirituality says respect all living things.
I have never once heard any religion say stop slaughtering millions of trees every year for Christ's birthday.

Spirituality teaches us to have faith in ourselves.
Religion teaches us to have faith in them.

Spirituality says we have all the answers, that we can find them by "going within."
Religion teaches us that it has all the answers and only its answers are the right ones.

Spirituality teaches us to search for the Universal Truths, wherefrom our hearts will tell us when we have found them.
Religion teaches we have no choice but to accept their version of the Truth.

Which one feels better to you? Spirituality or religion?
Go to the depths of your heart for the answer for, indeed, it will never lie to you, my friend...

Friday, April 13, 2007


- Interview for 'The Remote Viewer' with Michael St.Clair

In a profound conversation, opening passages of surreal perceptions rather than forming finite conclusions, renown Swiss cosmologist Michael St.Clair - author of the book Zen of Stars and enthusiast of amazing crop circles, time portals, mirages and mysterious occurences in the invisible world - talks to astrologer Teresa Ann Papac about the future of astrology, extra-terrestrial life, ancient gods, luminescent beings of light, the layered worlds we inhabit, and the hidden landscape of the mind. Spell-binding...

Non-classical suggestions offered by St.Clair create a fascinating adventure anchoring a different conception of multiple realities and the plausible origins of mankind -- more likely extra-terrestrial than made in "His image." This unusual interview - a Saturn-Neptune opposition product - makes altered mind states the norm, rather than the oddity. In it, the inspired Piscean astrologers discuss esoteric teachings, time travel, Krishnamurti - and The Morning of The Magicians dawns...


It always surprised me how oblivious those inside the system actually are. This could be because of how compartmentalized it is, like I said only the "nine" know what they have in mind, but I am not sure, as the plan is to demolish the USA from within, which could lead to a form of Civil War. The rest is well described in Lady No Eyes recollection by Summer-Rain in "Phoenix Rising". By now we are seeing the sea change with China and Iran on the regional rise.

The letter by Ahmadinejad - President of Iran - to German Chancellor Merkel for example shows an extra-ordinary advanced mind at work. There we see clearly how things will develop. Leaders of the future will take the issues to the people of the world, by-passing main stream media. My Persian friends told me long ago they would be the last ones standing and resisting this thing we have come to know as the "new world order". I guess that is the new project of "the nine" -- and I say it will not work. . . .


It became of more use to see the longer haul of time passages, and whatever it is they want inside the control group (guided I am sure by alien hands) they seem to be achieving it to some extent. I say "they seem" because I also know that at some point, probably beginning at the end of 2007, the equations will no longer make sense, and they will see they were misguided. There has already been a shift in how Iran is perceived, for instance, and that was not planned. On the whole I have lost interest in world politics, it is not important, in fact it is totally irrelevant.


That - change - can only come from within, not by reacting to events from outside. It is very important to retain this capacity to meet change in time. Astrologers generally speaking today, in the Western world anyway, are a product of new age thinking, pitted against the fundamentalists of all colors, and both missed the crossing and with it they miss the whole point. The point is we are the change.

Full article link here:
And here:

Friday, April 6, 2007

Awaken in the Dream


Spiritually informed political activist Paul Levy has a website that informs us of the collective unconscious that is creating the Bush reality.

by Paul Levy

We are truly in a war. It is not the war we imagine we are in, which is the way our true adversaries want it. It is not a foreign war against a foreign enemy. It is a war on consciousness, a war on our own minds. The global war on terror that is being fought around the world is an embodied reflection in the material world of a deeper, more fundamental war that is going on in the realm of consciousness itself.

We have the most criminal regime in all of our history wreaking unspeakable horror on the entire planet, while simultaneously waging war on the consciousness of its own citizens - US. If we aren’t aware of this, we are unwittingly playing into, supporting and complicit in the evil that is being perpetrated in our name.

A government’s war on the consciousness of its own citizens is by no means unique to the Bush administration. Abusing power over others so as to limit their freedom is an archetypal process that has been endlessly re-enacted by governments throughout history in various forms. With the Bush administration, however, the pathological aspect of this process has become so exaggerated and amped up to such a degree that it is just about impossible not to notice its staggering malignancy. With the Bush administration, the underlying evil that has played out in our government over many years is becoming overwhelmingly obvious for all to see. With the Bush administration, the underlying evil that informs systems of government that are based on “power over” instead of “liberty for” is coming out from hiding in the shadows. Instead of being acted out underground, our government is acting out this evil above ground, in plain sight for all who are courageous enough to look.

Impeaching Bush and Co. ultimately won’t change anything unless we deal with the corrupt powers which control and direct them. George Bush is just a finger-puppet of the hidden hand which animates him. Bush only has apparent power, as he himself is a minion of far more powerful predator-like forces whose nefarious interests he serves. Whether we call it the illuminati, the global elite, a shadow government, or a secret cabal, there is no doubt that there are darker, self-serving forces that have insinuated themselves into and taken over our government. The terrorists that we should be worried about are domestic terrorists who are actually implementing their agendas from deep within our very system of government itself.

The United States Government itself has become a “front” for the underlying military-industrial-financial crime syndicate that animates it. This is not to say that there aren’t many good, well-meaning people in our government – they are simply prohibited by the very nature of the corrupt system they are in from reforming it. Our system of government is rigged in such a way so that there is no way to transform the system within the system itself.

The underlying core of our government has become rotten such that the entire operation simply feeds into and is an expression of the same underlying corruption. All of the scandals continually coming out are like the superficial skin rash of a much deeper systemic disease, like a cancer that is infecting the greater body politic. Citizens who are not aware of our government’s insidious intrusions into our lives are unwittingly feeding the corruption they are looking away from in their very act of looking away.

The “powers” that have taken over our government have become concentrated and centralized in just a few elite hands, proving how easy it is for the few to control the many. They almost control all the levers of power: financial, political and judicial. In this war on consciousness, these powers-that-be are using the most advanced mind-control technology that our world has ever known to make its takeover complete. The essence of mind-control is information control, which is one thing our overly secretive current administration is very good at.


The private interests that control our government have an incredible mind-control/propaganda machine at their disposal in the form of the mainstream media, which if not quite fully owned and controlled, is certainly under their “influence” enough to serve their underlying self-serving agenda. George Orwell once said that omission is the greatest form of lie – this perfectly describes the corporate owned media of today which is nothing other than the propaganda organ of the state. The corporate world and our government are becoming indistinguishable, which is one of the hallmarks of fascism, or more accurately – corporatism.

In addition to information, our government is adept at putting out dis-information, whose intention is to create distractions and confusion so as to cover its tracks and hide its true intentions. It will purposely leak stories that are not true simply to cover-up what it is really doing. By putting out misleading information, the government hides behind its self-generated smokescreen like an octopus squirting ink.

Quite often, right at the moment when people’s focus is moving towards some area of criminality in the White House, the administration will even create a diversionary event for the public to put their attention on. Memories of those color-coded terror alerts that always seemed to happen right when something bad was starting to happen for the Bush administration come to mind. In creating distractions, our government is able to steer our collective attention in directions that allow it to successfully accomplish its malevolent goal of grabbing all the power it can get.

In a diabolical ploy, the administration will even feed stories to a compliant press, and then reference these stories as justification for enacting its pre-planned agenda. One glaring example is when the administration fed Judith Miller of the New York Times stories about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. Once this propaganda appeared on the front page of the Times, the administration was only too happy to use it as evidence for why we should go to war.

WMD could easily stand for “Weapons of Mind Deception”, as our own government is continually trying to “Deceive” our “Minds”, which is the battlefield in which the war on consciousness is being fought. We are all on the front lines in the war on consciousness, whether we know it or not. Instead of shooting us, our government is using cutting-edge mind-control technology to psychically emasculate us. In order to be able to deal with the evil that the Bush regime is perpetrating, we first have to become acquainted with that very same potential evil in ourselves so as to be able to recognize it in the outside world. The way to vanquish our adversary is to be found hidden within the very nature of our own awareness, which contains the key to its own freedom.

The corporate-mainstream media “captivates” our attention, capturing a part of our self-reflective, discriminative awareness, thereby restricting the range of our conscious awareness, which is what hypnotism is all about. Once the attention of the masses becomes entranced, the corporate/government media can then “play with” our mind. This unholy trinity of corporate/government/media can create an obsessive fixation on certain superficial events that “seize” the collective psyche. For example, it feeds the masses sensationalized stories such as Anna Nicole Smith ad nauseam so as to divert our attention from the evil that is being done behind the scenes in our name.

Ex-CIA director Allen Dulles used to say that the most effective way to disguise a secret is to pretend to openly share information. The Bush administration isn’t interested in solving problems as much as creating good PR (Public Relations) for itself. With one hand the Bush administration will try to appear like it is openly sharing information and being transparent, while with its other hand it will be actively obstructing the very process it is seemingly supporting. A vivid example is the government’s 9/11 commission, whose aim was allegedly to shed light on what happened on 9/11, while covertly – behind the scenes – the Bush administration was doing everything it could to hinder the commission’s inquiries (see, for example, 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, by David Ray Griffin). All one has to do is investigate the numerous ties to the core cabal of the neocon Bush administration that the members of the 9/11 commission have and the degree to which it was a deliberate operation to obscure the truth becomes apparent. It was as if the White House was investigating itself; the foxes truly guarding the henhouse. The 9/11 commission and its report, just like the Warren Commission and its report on the Kennedy assassination, was a façade, a show, a display in which it appeared like our government was giving us what we wanted, while actually being part of a deceptive game of smoke-and-mirrors. It is like a magician has hypnotized us, and is stealing what’s in our pockets while they have us under their trance in which we believe they are serving us.

As if by a perverse Jedi mind-trick, the Bush administration has bewitched us into believing that it controls the national dialog, when in a democracy the opposite is actually true. One of many examples – when confronted with overwhelming evidence that we have been torturing our adversaries, Bush responds by saying he “rejects” that claim, and the conversation stops right there and moves on to other, more superficial topics. Our government is supposed to represent us, which is to say that they are our employees. Bush has turned this around and put himself in the role of the dictator with us as his subjects. And somehow we have allowed him to get away with this. There is no escaping our individual and collective complicity in this sad state of affairs.

One difference between what is happening in our country and the state-controlled media of the old Soviet Union, is that in the Soviet Union, most people were quite aware that what was being presented to them by their corrupt government as news was nothing but mind-warping propaganda. Many Americans have fallen so under the spell of the Bush regime’s criminal lies that they don’t even know they are being lied to. It is like we are living in a land of state-controlled zombies who think they are free citizens of a free country.

It is as if millions of our fellow citizens have fallen asleep, as if they have become hypnotized and brainwashed by the powers-that-be‘s incessant “managing” and “massaging” of reality. These powers simply manipulate an already gullible and highly suggestible public into a game of “divide and conquer.” They get rich off of other’s blood - they incite conflict, and covertly support both sides, as they themselves reap the benefit of the conflict.

The corporate war machine, which is co-dependently entangled with our government, profits wildly from our invading other sovereign countries. The government-military-industrial complex’s solution to the very problem that they created by instigating wars – more war! It’s completely sick and totally insane. And we, in our dulled denial – like hypnotized sheep - simply go along and allow the whole parasitic enterprise to be fed by offering our sons and daughters as fodder. To the extent that we are not shedding light on the utter criminality and insanity of what the Bush administration is doing and saying “No,” we are all complicit in feeding our own genocide.

Bush and our Congressional leaders are mouthpieces for the advertising campaign of distortion and falsehood that is being “bomb-arded” into our psyches on a daily basis. Our “leaders” repetitive slogans and incantations brand and imprint themselves deep into our unconscious, where many who do not have enough psychic resistance fall under the spell. (please see Chapter 8 – “Breaking Bush’s Spell”, in my book The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of our Collective Psychosis). People’s ability to discern truth from fiction has been rendered inoperative by our own government’s pattern of routinely taking liberty with the truth. Government propaganda has inverted the perception of what is actually happening, as lies are presented as truths, and up is portrayed as down in a truly Orwellian universe of confounding doublespeak. Through the “Big Lie” – which is based on that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for people to see the truth - the government has transformed myth into seeming fact, and has achieved its goal of muddling our minds so as to dis-empower us.

Many of us haven’t developed the psychic immunity to be able to fully ward off the toxic effects of our government’s covert, fear-based psychological warfare. An expression of the success of our government’s psy-ops against US is the fact that there’s so little awareness about the government’s assault on our minds that it’s hardly even a part of our national dialogue. The insidiousness of the government’s covert manipulation of our minds is even found in the very term “Global War on Terror”. “The Global War on Terror” is a crazy-making, self-contradictory statement, as we can never stop terror with a war – on the contrary, wars induce terror! This term carries with it a false and self-negating premise that if we accept we’ve already given away our power. If we leave this underlying assumption unquestioned, we unwittingly allow them to frame the agenda on their terms. We have then already fallen under their spell without knowing it, as our capacity to think and respond creatively is undermined. Our inability to creatively respond to the war on our consciousness is an expression of being immobilized in fear as if frozen in trauma. The war on terror is really a war on our psyche. The war on terror is ultimately about control – control of our minds.

What Bush and our Congressional leaders are doing is so morally outrageous that it is literally off the charts of accepted, “normal”, ethical, sane human behavior. In the words of French poet Andre Chenier, Bush and Co. are committing “crimes that make the laws tremble,” as they are covertly undermining our very legal and political system itself. The corruption that has infected our body politic is like a virus that is exploiting weaknesses in our political immune system so as to feed and spread its pathology.

Those of us who are somewhat sane can easily lack the imagination for the depth of depravity that the Bush administration regularly acts out in the world. Our lack of imagination works to the government’s advantage, as it allows them to continue to act out the darkness in a manner which is incomprehensible to us. This is why the great doctor of the soul C. G. Jung counseled us to develop an “imagination for evil,” as being able to imagine the scope of evil that human beings can fall prey to and act out empowers us to see it clearly and thereby deal with it more effectively.

Our government’s lying and criminality is so pervasive that we have become desensitized to their corruption. Their evil has become so “normalized,” that just like someone watching TV becomes numb and anesthetized to the violence, we have become desensitized to the horror of what Bush and his cronies are doing right in front of our very eyes day after day. We’ve learned – or, shall I say, become programmed - to accept the fact that the Bush administration is almost always lying, for, as we are told “All governments lie”.


Bush and Co., with the help of the US Supreme Court and the approval of Congress, rigged the 2000 and 2004 elections (see, for example, Fooled Again by Mark Crispin Miller). Then, with the help of the corporate media which is dependent on the good graces of military and government budgets and operations, Bush and Co. put out mind-numbing propaganda that no such hostile takeover had even taken place, to the point where after a little while most people forgot that anything out of the ordinary had occurred. The government’s propaganda machine plays with our minds, putting us in a somnambulistic state so that we eventually begin to accept the version of reality (in our example, that Bush has been “elected” to be our president) that serves its underlying agenda.

Once the office of “perception management” convinces a critical mass of people of a particular viewpoint, there is a “consensus” or “agreement” that is reached among the masses as to what is objectively true. The agreed upon version of reality takes on a “weight” and becomes the established dogma of what is collectively imagined to be really happening. Like a “religious” truth, it is irrationally believed like an act of faith by its card-carrying members, even if overwhelming evidence points to the contrary. Anyone who doesn’t buy into the arbitrarily established story is marginalized and demonized, and either called crazy, a conspiracy theorist, or even a terrorist (“You’re either with us or you’re with the enemy”).

If only one person believed the propaganda-created consensus version of reality, they’d be thought of as crazy. If a small group of people believed it, they’d be thought of as a cult. When a certain critical mass of people irrationally believe this fictionalized version of reality (in our case, that Bush has been “elected” by the people) to be objectively true, however, they are considered normal.

Mass psychology then becomes the order of the day, as our species, animated and inspired by fear – which Bush and his regime are only too happy to cultivate - reverts to the primitive psychology of the herd. A collective amnesia ensues, continually fed by a self-generating web of endless denial, as the manufactured consent is recreated anew every moment. A field of force which literally resists conscious reflection becomes conjured up around those who have fallen under the seductive spell of the agreed upon and artificially constructed consensus reality. Anyone reflecting back their unconscious condition is considered to be the enemy. Dissociating from their own darkness, they fight with it outside of themselves as it is projected into and reflected back by the world. Believing the agreed-upon fantasy, they collectively fall into their unconscious together and reinforce each other’s delusions in a self-perpetuating feedback loop, which is another way of saying that they have fallen into a collective psychosis.

Bush was not elected by the people. The military-industrial-financial crime syndicate’s minions and operatives had already insinuated themselves into key positions of power so as to accomplish their long-planned for covert takeover of the government. Some of their cronies had already infiltrated the Supreme Court, where they literally derailed the democratic process and decided, with no basis in law, to unconstitutionally invest themselves with the authority of bestowing the election upon Bush. Bush’s seeming “election by the people” was in fact a strategically implemented political coup d’etat. Very few even noticed this act of violence because of the criminal syndicate’s control of the mainstream media. Their propaganda machine succeeded in managing our perceptions just the way they wanted, which is a polite way of saying they successfully pulled the wool over most of our eyes, or pulled the rug out from under us without too many of us even noticing.

In a diabolical feedback loop, the underlying crime syndicate, by putting out propaganda (that Bush has been elected president) creates the very situation (Bush becoming president) which confirms the truth of their propaganda, like in a self-fulfilling prophecy. Being in a position of power, they are tapping into how they can shape the world in their own image, which they are imposing on the world through forceful means. They have in some perverse way begun to access how they can seemingly manipulate and create “reality”.

Because of their position of power, these sick few can control the masses by manipulating events in the world, as well as playing with our perceptions. They are tapping into how in managing our perceptions, they can literally create events, and in creating events, they can manage our perceptions. This is a divine secret, but in tapping into it with an impure heart, where power is prioritized over love, it is always destined for failure. In the end, these black magicians will ultimately self-destruct, there is no question about this whatsoever. It is simply a question of mitigating the disaster as they create their own ruin.

Another example of our government’s attack on our consciousness: After the 9/11 attacks, there is only one thing certain – the official story put out by our government, itself a conspiracy theory, is not true. There is no question about this to any thinking person who has even minimally studied the evidence. (see, for example, The fact that our own government is not telling the truth to us about what happened on 9/11, as well as actively obstructing any investigation into what actually did happen, is a huge red flag – why would our own government be lying, and covering up their lie? Who knows (maybe the shadow?) at this point whether 9/11 was a false flag operation, covertly perpetrated by our own government against us, or whether they knew about it beforehand but simply allowed it to happen so as to gain political advantage? Something’s very fishy about the whole thing. The fact that our country, except on the margins, is not even having an open discussion about what really happened on 9/11 – the official version put out by the government is blindly accepted by millions of people as the objective truth - is another expression of our government shaping our dialogue, both nationally and within our own minds. The government’s distorted story about what happened on 9/11 is itself an expression of the deeper and more general underlying conspiracy of our government to defraud us of the truth.

The last thing this criminal enterprise wants is for us to see what it is doing. These criminal war lords want us to believe that we live in a democracy. For example, in a diabolical sleight of hand, we are given the illusory stage-show of free elections, while there is overwhelming evidence that the elections were rigged. Even to be in a position to run for president you have to be able to raise hundreds of millions of dollars – this itself is the entrance fee to the game. In addition, the only people who would be allowed by these robber barons to be in a position of power such as “Commander-in-Chief” is someone they control. Barack or Hillary? It’s an illusion of choice, a stage-managed distraction from what’s really going on. We are left with the appearance, and a misguided belief, that we live in a government run “by the people and for the people.” In a very real sense, the Democrats and Republicans are simply various factions who are fighting for the right to represent the underlying military-industrial-financial crime syndicate that owns and operates our government. Those who control “our” government want to keep their operations covert, beneath our conscious awareness. For if enough of us become conscious of the evil and depravity that they are perpetrating in our name on the entire planet, their gig is up.


The powers that have taken over our country will do anything in their sorcerer’s bag of tricks to distract us and keep up the illusion that they are protecting us so as to maintain power. These banking and corporate pirates are willing and more than ready to intimidate, buy off, or destroy any and all critics. It is important for us to realize the depth of evil we are dealing with here – they are willing to kill as many people as needed to accomplish their aims. It is shocking to realize that the very entity that is supposed to be protecting us – our government – is the very thing from which we need protection. It is shattering to realize that our leaders are genuine psychopathic criminals who are trying to take over our planet, impose full-spectrum dominance, enact a new world order and centralize power and control. Instead of this being a conspiracy theory, the evidence is all around us, as it is everywhere we look if we have the eyes to see beyond the carefully crafted and disseminated spell that is being perpetually woven all around us.

What is happening in our world has more the “feeling” of an invasion from a parallel universe than a physical coup d’etat. This is because the intrusion is taking place on the plane of mind, and only secondarily on the physical plane. If we could stop this covert incursion into our minds it would be much easier to mitigate the outer wars that plague our world.

These criminals clearly have way more power than we do in terms of guns, tanks, media and technology, but they are no match for us if we activate the inherent brilliance of our consciousness – a force with unlimited potential. Part of the spell they are casting is that there’s nothing we can do, that we are powerless to stop them from doing whatever they want, like when Cheney mentioned it doesn’t make a difference what Congress or the American people want, this administration is not going to be stopped from sending more troops to Iraq.

The Bush regime’s worst nightmare is for us to wake up to how we’ve been manipulated, hoodwinked and played by them like fools. The last thing they want is for us to access the natural intelligence inherent in being consciously aware, and connect with each other through the open-heart of lucidity. The powers-that-be’s greatest fear is for us individually, as well as collectively, to connect with our intrinsic God-given power to create.

Once we clearly see what is being perpetrated in our name, we can come together and “conspire to co-inspire” so as to awaken – and mobilize – our collective genius, which is a power greater than any weapon of mass destruction. In actuality, our connecting in shared lucidity is the antidote to all WMD’s – it is what I call a WMC – a “Weapon of Mass Consciousness”. It is what becomes activated when enough of us come together and see (C – i.e., become conscious of) what is happening.

Connecting with each other is crucially important, as the more of us that consciously associate with each other - as if re-membering (putting our “members” back together to form a unified body) - the stronger the field of unified force that we are able to generate. Once enough of us sync up, we become more able to collectively invoke and channel through our expanded awareness a power that is able to dis-arm any WMD: the power of consciousness infused with wisdom and compassion. Genuine compassion can be very fierce, however, as it both demands and empowers us to come together and say “No” to the evil being done in our name. We can step out of the fear-based reality in which we appear to exist separately from each other in any moment and consciously connect with each other through the open-heart of lucidity. When we are truly serving what is best for the whole – for everyone – a world-changing power becomes available to us.

The solution to winning the war on consciousness is for us to RECOGNIZE the nature of the war we are in, which can only happen through the agency of our consciousness. Realizing that the true war we are in is an assault on our own minds is the expansion of consciousness which is itself simultaneously the solution. From a deeper, more expansive perspective, the war on consciousness is itself the very catalyst and instrument for consciousness to awaken to itself.

It is our turn to come together so as to render powerless these sick criminals who have been terrorizing us. We can help each other to access our intrinsic heart-centered power and collectively turn the light of truth upon them so that they have no where to hide from their lies and corruption. For “truth”, to quote the infamous Nazi minister of propaganda Joseph M. Goebbels, is “the greatest enemy of the state.” Bush and the private interests who keep him in power and profit richly from his actions are absolutely terrified of one thing - the truth. As the late Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, “Sunshine is the best disinfectant.” Like pouring water on the Wicked Witch of the West in “The Wizard of Oz”, when the true light of awareness is shed on what Bush and the real powers behind him are doing, their illegitimate power over us is dis-spelled as the illusion it always was.

Paul Levy is an artist and a spiritually-informed political activist. A pioneer in the field of spiritual awakening, he is a healer in private practice, assisting others who are also awakening to the dream-like nature of reality. He is the author of “The Madness of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis,” which is available at his website Please feel free to pass this article along to a friend if you feel so inspired. You can contact Paul at; he looks forward to your reflections.

© 2007 Paul Levy


Can also be heard on Red Ice Creations Radio


Thursday, March 29, 2007


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Sunday, March 25, 2007



Build of your imaginings a bower in the wilderness
Er you build a house within the city walls
Breath in as you have homecomings in your twilight
So has the wanderer you
- the ever distant and alone

Your house is your larger body
It grows in the sun
- and sleeps in the stillness of the night
And it is not dreamless
Does not your house dream
And dreaming
- leave the city for grove or hilltop

Would that I could gather your houses into my hand
And like a sore scatter them in forest and meadow
Would the valleys were your streets
- and the green paths your alleys
That you might seek one another through vineyards
And come with the fragrance of the earth in your garments
But these things are not yet to be

In their fear your forefathers gathered you too near together
And that fear shall endure a little longer
A little longer
- shall your city walls separate your hearths from your fields

And tell me
-what have you in these houses
And what is it you guard with fastened doors
Have you peace the quiet urge that reveals your power
Have you rememberances the glimmering arches
- that span the summits of your mind
Have you beauty that leaves the heart from things
- fashioned of wood and stone to the holy mountain
Tell me have you these in your houses

Or have you only comfort
-and the lust for comfort
That stealthy thing that enters
-a house as a guest
And then becomes a host
- and then a master
Hey, and it becomes a Tamer

And with hooks and scurge
Makes puppets of your larger desires
Though its hands are silken its heart is of iron
It lulls you to sleep only to stand by your bed
- and jeer at the dignity of the flesh

It makes mock of your sound senses
- and lays them in thistledom like fragile vessels
Verily the lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul
And then walks grinning in the funeral

But you - children of space,
-you restless thin rest
You shall not be trapped nor tamed
Your house shall not be an anchor but a mast
This shall not be a glistening film that covers a wound
- but an eyelid that guards the eye

You shall not fold your wings that you may pass through doors
Nor bend your heads that they strike not against a ceiling
Nor fear to breath lest walls should crack and fall down
You shall not dwell in tombs made by the dead for the living

And though it magnificence and splendour
Your house shall not hold your secret
- nor shelter your longing
For that which is boundless in you
- binds in the imagine in the sky
Who's doors the morning mist
- and who's windows are the songs
- and the silences of the night

Soulministries Podcasts
Combining an atmosphericðereal blend of musical ambiance, "On Houses" discloses to us that as children of space, we will neither be trapped nor tamed. And our houses are a mast and and eyelid of our souls. Take a moment & let the power of Donald's work draw you into a new reality. Donald Gordon Carty offers a unique glimpse & perspective to the inner workings&mind of man. The meditations & spoken word inspiration of D.G.C. are a wonder-send to all who sample his beatific & spiritual art.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Edgar Cayce on Meditation

The following is an excerpt from the late great Cayce scholar Elsie Sechrist's book Meditation: Gateway to Light. More information concerning Cayce's insights into meditation can be found at the Cayce research foundation (A.R.E.).

Prayer is speaking to God and mediation is listening to God. Mastering the technique of meditation is not easy. There are three keys necessary to succeed in meditation. The three keys to this door of communication with God are sincerity, enthusiasm and perseverance.

As for sincerity, ask yourself these questions: Do I really know who and what God is? Do I know him personally as a loving Father, or do I just know about him? More important, does he know me? Are we on speaking terms, or do we just nod occasionally? If we find ourselves answering in the negative to these questions, we may begin to realize how greatly we need him. His promise has ever been that if we believe, live by his laws, he will aid us swiftly when we call, no matter where we happen to be.

Enthusiasm is important because it is an inner fire, an inner light seeking its own source. In Webster's dictionary, the origins of the Greek word "enthusiasm" meant to be "inspired, or possessed by a god." In meditation, this inner fire stimulates every cell of the body and every reflex of the brain to listen. How do we evoke enthusiasm for our search for God? By first examining those people who, from the beginning of time, have found him. The Bible tells of man's experiences with God. Studying it in conjunction with efforts at meditation and prayer awakens the necessary enthusiasm to begin.

Perseverance is perhaps the most difficult key. We need to keep on, day after day, in the effort to re-establish our communion. When we first attempt to harness the thoughts, to control the body, to sit still, we realize just how much the body controls us, mind and spirit.

The purification and control of the spiritual body takes place within the endocrine glands, under the direction of the mind. The Cayce readings and modern science concur that constructive thoughts and emotions release healing hormones into the body and mind. But the Cayce readings go further. They suggest that the endocrine glands are the spiritual centers of the body and that through them our spiritual forces find means of expression. Meditation is a key to opening these spiritual centers.

These spiritual centers are: the sex glands, the Lyden gland, the Adrenal glands, the Thymus, the Thyroid, the Pineal and the Pituitary glands. The proper application of the energies illuminates them, transforming the individual into a light in the world.

Ideals enter the mind when led by the spirit. The Cayce readings remind us over and over again that mind is the builder, led by the spirit we are entertaining, the spirit of God or the spirit of the devil - self. What one thinks and eats, one becomes.

Spiritual cleansing begins when the mind is in accord with his spirit. It is across the bridge of the mind that we pass, as we come to know God. Once a soul sets for itself an ideal which is spiritual in essence, every cell in the body is made aware of this and changes begin to take place. Our seven spiritual centers become the points of contact with the divine within; thus we experience a stepping-up of activity in all these centers. We have redirected the use of this energy to its highest function. A refining process has taken place in the body, a lifting of the rate of vibration; these centers now disseminate their energies and hormones to the entire body.

As the individual sits in meditation, his mind focused on an affirmation (an ideal), spiritual energy begins to move upward from the sexual glands. Usually, at this point, a pulsation may be felt at the end of the spine. If the spiritual force has been able to rise unhindered and undefiled to the pineal and pituitary, one may experience an incandescence as if the whole body had been filled with light and become transparent.

It is at the pineal center that we gradually become oriented to the Christ-presence, where we may even receive the Mind of Christ, depending on the degree of the attunement.

This force then flows into the pituitary, from whence, being now in purified form, it flows downward, cleansing and strengthening body and mind.

And Jesus also said, "He that believes on me, as the Scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." (John 7:38) The movement of these spiritual forces in meditation are the rivers of living water.

The more we become able to still the conscious mind, the more trouble we can expect from the subconscious mind, for it is the conscious mind of the soul. It, too, must be purified. We have stimulated this area of the mind as a result of the ideal we have upheld; attitudes and thoughts previously concealed in the subconscious rise to the surface for examination. Symbols and old familiar scenes begin to flash before us like pictures on a screen. However, this is still only the beginning of meditation. We should not dwell too long on these pictures but press on to the silence. In other words, we must return attention to the affirmation.

We may at this point be fascinated by the many faces appearing, or numerous pairs of eyes staring. We may even hear our names called; we may feel as if we were in the midst of a crowd, listening to chatter and laughter. We must not stop there, for we are not yet in real meditation. Of course, it is fascinating at first, for it is an entirely new experience. The sounds, the voices, the pictures, the eyes and faces may all belong to souls already in the beyond who, having seen the light pouring through the open door (the spiritual center), have been attracted. It is much akin to the sensation of looking through a strange keyhole, only to see another eye looking back. Intriguing, perhaps, but neither stands to gain much from such a restricted encounter.

We must leave this entertainment behind and "press on to the mark of the high calling," his mark, the superconscious mind, the Christ Consciousness, the Holy Spirit, the "hill of the Lord."

Spiritual height is reached by attunement to the Creative Forces in meditation. The release of energy should never be forced by such methods as exercise, or holding the breath, or by focusing one's mind on a special center, or by willing the center to open. When meditation is properly approached, these centers will open voluntarily. The knowledge, power and illumination of the soul which accompany this opening will then be concentrated on the good of others and not to one's own misdoing.

The opening of the centers should come only as a result of spiritual growth, not through any abnormal means. Unless the power released is used to express his spirit with and for others, it will but inflame our lower natures.

The glands of reproduction are the reservoirs of the life force. They house the creative energy of the body. As the individual sits in silence, having lifted his mind by use of the Lord's Prayer (an excellent affirmation), creative energy is released at this level. This energy now carries the stamp of the divine, because both the purpose and the thought which released it were holy.

The Lyden gland, control-center of the soul's activity, opens its doors to this energy, enabling the mind of the soul - the subconscious mind - to rise to the level of the pineal, seat of the Christ consciousness. This energy is then transmitted to the other centers of the body by means of the pituitary. As it passes through the centers, it illuminates them.

Meditation brings an increase in vigor and improved health. An expansion of consciousness is achieved, and with this expansion comes the realization that we are in eternity now. The realization dawns that indeed there is no death. The only real death is the separation in consciousness of the soul from God. When this has been overcome there is no death, for consciousness is continuous in whatever realm one manifests.

Jesus said, "In my Father's house are many mansions." (John 14:2) These mansions of God are afterlife levels of consciousness. Where is consciousness? Within the bodies we now occupy, wherever we are. "For you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people." (2 Cor. 6:16)

Through meditation, we may become aware of these afterlife realms of consciousness as in dreams. Therefore, whether we are on this earth, or in another afterlife realm, the "house of the Lord" is the shell which we occupy. For while God wills that no soul shall perish, he will not force humankind to seek him.

Meditation Tips from Edgar Cayce

Meditation is the attuning of the mental and physical body to your spiritual source.
Meditation builds a protective barrier around yourself against harmful forces.

Meditation will help you manifest the fruits of the Holy Spirit and the white light of the Christ.

Meditation allows you to obtain information on any subject and the answer will come from within.

Meditation is the way to at-one-ment with God.

Constant communication with God through meditation will result in spiritual guidance.

During meditation, you can increase the spiritual forces taking place within your inner self.

This is necessary to help you attune and become one with the Creative Force - just as in the pitch of a song of praise.

Raise these spiritual forces in yourself and you will enter the presence of your Maker.
Attunement through meditation comes not above yourself - but within yourself.
No sacrifice is necessary except your desire to be one with God.
You will know within yourself when you are in an at-one-ment with God.

Read about the promises of Jesus in the book of John, chapters 14-17, to learn about the spirit of light within you to help unlock your inner self.

Set definite time periods to listen to the voice of your Maker. Meditate either at 11:00 am to noon in the day or 11:00 pm to midnight in the evening. The best time is 2:00 am to 3:00 am in the morning. (For at least 30 minutes)

Meditate facing east (for polarity with the earth) and in the same place each day.

For some people, the song of the spheres is necessary for their comfort in meditation and to rest the senses.

Sit or lie in an easy position, without any binding garments around your body.
Sit as in readiness. Crucify desires within yourself. Turn yourself inward.

Quiet yourself mentally. Cleanse the inner room of your mind. No unkind thoughts are allowed.

Shut out all thoughts pertaining to activities or attributes of carnal forces.

The hands should always cross the solar plexus, the balancing between the forces of the body, when meditating or seeking to open yourself to the unseen sources.

Never open yourself without surrounding yourself with the Christ Consciousness by thought, by word of mouth, by impressing it upon yourself - also for protection.

Certain types of breathing are suggested, that there may be an even balance in the respiratory system, that the circulation becomes normal in its flow through the body.

With low music or incantations, let yourself go deeper, to the seeing, feeling, experiencing the creative forces of love and enter into the Holy of Holies.

Then listen to the music of your inner spiritual centers responding.

Enter in the closet of your inner self and pour out your self so that you may be filled with the Spirit of God.

Find what is the impelling desire (i.e., your ideal) in your inner self - council with your soul.

Make your will to be one with the whole.

In your temple, let the voice, the feeling, the spirit of your purpose be free in its direction to yourself.

Meditate on the fruits of the Spirit in the inner secrets of the consciousness and the cells in the body will become aware of the awakening of the life in their activity.

Only in patience can you become aware of your soul's activity.
Attune yourself almost in the same manner as you would tune a violin for harmony.

Seek God's face and God's ways. When you are fully attuned, let your intonations, breathing, and posture be rather an outgrowth of your attunement.

As the body attunes itself, it may be a channel where there may be instant healing with the laying on of hands.

Voices can be heard when attuning yourself during meditation.
Visualizing while attuned in meditation can influence others.

Many people meet their spirit guide during their first experience of meditation. Do not be satisfied with a guide other than one from the Throne of Grace itself.

After raising your consciousness, God meets you in your own temple (the Holy of Holies, the third eye).

No one can know attunement who has not developed their inner self.
If we fail to apply what is given us in meditation, the body will act!

"For life and death are one, and only those who will consider the experience as one may come to understand or comprehend what peace indeed means." - Edgar Cayce