When EFT appears not to work and felt compelled to expound on his excellent editorial. We have become so reliant on EFT as a highly effective healing aid, that we become perplexed if EFT occasionally appears not to be working its magic. When this happens we need to remember that EFT is not the problem, but is rather the bridge to a positive outcome lying on the far side of an obstacle.
With a grasp of the problem, the knowledge of how to solve it, and the persistence to get there, a skilled practitioner can generally circumvent the blockage and reach the desired goal. Hopefully this article will give you some insights and tools to increase your successes with this remarkable tool.
Like Gary, I believe that the primary reason EFT appears not to be working resides in the skill of the practitioner, or lack thereof, rather than any shortcoming of EFT. Not being specific, not resolving the core issue, ignoring the original emotional cause of the problem, are just some of the reasons a practitioner might fail at resolving a case (all of which are detailed in Gary’s aforementioned article). Gary has always emphasized that EFT is as much an art as a science, and I whole-heartedly agree.
I believe that the most overlooked obstruction to successful EFT treatments is what many call Psychological Reversals or Polarity Reversals (PR). And I also believe there's much more to Reversals than we originally thought.
Gary has always said that "We're on the ground floor of a healing high-rise," and I've gone back to the ground level to examine the foundational structure. Because, as long as there is an impediment to EFT as significant as Reversals, the unaware practitioner will be stuck in the basement punching a button to an elevator that just isn't coming.
For me, when it appears that EFT is not working, a primary key to rapid and effective treatment lies in identifying the different types of Reversals and how to deal with them.
This is, in my opinion, as important as "being specific," and "being persistent." My experience is that with about 80% of my clients and workshop participants, Reversals are not an issue. For the 20% who have a Reversal, however, its discovery and elimination is paramount to a successful resolution of their issues. The bad news, then, is if Reversals are unrecognized and untreated they can stop EFT in its tracks. The good news is, that once discovered, the solutions for correcting Reversals and therefore resolving the issue, are fairly simple and highly effective.
I break Reversals down into two basic types, each with several sub-categories.
The first type of Psychological Reversal is what I consider General Polarity Reversal, or GPR. If a person has GPR rubbing the "sore spot" or karate chop (KC) point during the setup will usually (but not always) take care of it, allowing EFT to work.
GPR can be caused from several factors:
( Negativity - chronic negative thoughts
( Addictions - addictive personalities or addictive substances in the body (including alcohol, nicotine and sometimes prescription medications)
( Dehydration - since the body's electrical system is conducted by water, the lack of water will cause the energy system to be sluggish or severely repressed
( Toxin or substance sensitivity - this could be something the subject just ate, clothing, carpeting, metal in or on the body; such as pins, fillings, metal plates, or even jewelry, a watch or cell phone
Performing the standard set-up procedure (on the sore spot or karate chop point) will usually fix negativity or unknown GPRs. Addictions, dehydration and toxin GPRs, however, are seldom eliminated by doing the set up statement. A good clue to whether or not someone has GPR is if their SUDs (subjective unit of distress, scale of 1 to 10) remains the same, then they may very well be reversed. You'll learn how to remedy reversals throughout this article.
General Polarity Reversal simply means that the electricity or energy in the body is "agitated", or "going in the wrong direction". Therefore the polarity is reversed. Think of the experiment in grade school where you used a magnet to attract tiny particles of metal on a piece of paper. The positive end of the magnet pulled the particles toward it, aligning them up neatly, all going the same direction. The negative end of the magnet, when directed toward the metal shavings, caused the particles to repel from the magnet, scattering and separating them into going in all different directions. In a sense, that's what happens to our body's energy when a negative force, like those listed above, is introduced into the system.
Another way to look at our body's energy field or polarity is to compare it to batteries in a tape recorder, flashlight or a battery-operated toy. The batteries that run the gadget must be installed with the positive and negative polarity seated in the right direction. If not, the appliance simply won't work. Similarly, our body's "batteries" need to be positioned correctly for us to function properly. I'm neither a scientist, physicist, nor energy specialist, so forgive my amateur analogies here. But this is simply a way to visualize a tangible connection or bridge to our mysterious energy system.
On those days when you just feel "off," when you're stumbling over words, dropping things, bumping into walls, or slipping off the curb, your polarity may be out of whack (or reversed). One of the ways to test our GPR is with muscle testing.
* If you are not familiar with muscle testing please read the explanation and try the experiments at the end of this article)
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